No text or images may be used without the express written consent of Rush Creek Farms. © 2005

Our Mission
Rush Creek Farm's mission is to promote and provide fast growing, high quality, low maintenance crossbred Kiko goats for breeding and slaughter using an environmentally-friendly, pasture-based, rotational grazing system.
Our Vision
To become a premier commercial meat goat producer using crossbred Kiko breeding stock.
Our Philosophy
Since starting in 2006, we have found that not every goat is suited to producing in a forage-only environment. Over the years, we have culled 3X's the number of does we have kept that could not withstand the rigors of raising kids on pasture and hay only. Many were commercial does, but several were high-dollar pedigreed goats - all went to slaughter.

As a result of the above, we shifted our focus. Initially we intended on breeding registered 100% New Zealand Kikos, but soon discovered that breeders were not culling to improve the breed and that slaughter buyers did not like the look of the Kiko (and after all, aren't we all supplying MEAT goats, no matter what the pedigree says?)

We have since started breeding for a crossbred meat goat using Kiko, Boer and Savanna genetics. Despite the initial hurt to the pocketbook, we have been quite pleased with the results. Our remaining does are beefy and perform well on pasture and hay, and give us kids that both commercial producers and slaughter buyers desire.

Our criteria
Our breeding does must bond quickly with their kids, having them up and nursing within 30 minutes of birth. Does must not require deworming more than once a year, and must have good hoof quality. Hooves are trimmed twice a year. They must raise at least twins every year (yearling does are allowed a single that first year), and the does must have a Doe Efficiency Rating of at least 80%.

We check teat structure on all kids. Animals with bizarre teats ("glove teats") and fork teats are culled. We have kept back some 4-teated does and are watching offspring for teat structure. Does that have udder breakdowns as adults are culled. Any retained offspring from these animals are closely monitored, and culled if appropriate.

Animals with dental abnormalities are culled (over/under shot jaws)

To be eligible as breeding stock, kids must gain 0.4 lbs per day if a buck and 0.3 lbs per day if a doe at 90 days.